This past week has marked the beginning of a year-long course that should improve my functioning in the techno etherspere. Ya, I know that is not a real word, but I don’t yet know how to describe the body of knowledge which I know I should have in my head, but is still floating out there beyond my reach.
I am finding it hard to simply remember the meaning of the acronym, COETAIL, which stands for Certificate of Educational Technology and Information Literacy; and yes, I did have to look it up again to double-check. TMI and TLT… too much information and too little time.
I did set up my RSS feed via NetNewsWire, but then ignored it all week since it was not sending me any email notices. It seems like nowadays, with the busy work schedule and two hours of commuting by bicycle, I do not have much time for extras like news of the world. I do get through my email at least every few days and in this way I am reminded to read world news articles that wind up in my inbox from sources such as the “Huffington Post.” I usually read just the first paragraph and then move on to the next news item.
My NetNewsWire is now configured to launch at startup, so now, perhaps, I will pay more attention to the 2o or more blogs and news feeds that I have subscribed to.
Here is one item that caught my eye:Â These colorful representations of Bloom’s Taxonomy would be great posters to have in the classroom and the chart showing the various iPad applications sorted into their places in Bloom’s hierarchy made me realize why this whole process of information gathering and sorting via RSS is so aggravating to me. I would rather be creating content than gathering, sorting and disseminating it. I will need to compartmentalize a bit if I expect to gather and integrate the information that continues to bombard my synapses.