Giraffes and librarians. They have a lot in common. Seriously.
Both can reach high trees and shelves to find important sustenance for body and mind. Both have a way of seeing the big picture; giraffes with their long necks and librarians (even the short ones) with their far-reaching research chops. Both have ways of effectively defending themselves; giraffes with swift kicks and librarians with the swift truth. Take that “alternative facts!”

Not Today!
And, of course, giraffes and librarians both love their children!
Unfortunately, giraffes and librarians both have one more thing in common. They are both endangered. Even though the link between well-staffed school libraries and higher school test scores has been thoroughly documented, school libraries across the United States continue to fall behind in needed funding and school librarians continue to be “phased out.” The world needs giraffes and civilization definitely needs librarians. More than sixty-five percent of all incarcerated inmates are classified as having a low rate of literacy. Librarians matter. Librarians kick back at the lions of ignorance and do everything in their power to educate children and gift them with the power of literacy.
In honor of giraffes and librarians, and in keeping with the promotion of April as both “Library Month” and “Poetry Month,” here is a poem for our beloved giraffes and librarians. Enjoy and pass it along to your favorite giraffe or best-loved librarian:
Ask a Giraffe Â
If you want to know
How the treetops grow
Or how it feels
To eat leafy meals
Just ask a giraffe
If you like the way
That dolphins play
And you’d like to be
Deep down in the sea
Go sail with a whale
If you want to unearth
Our earth’s ancient birth
Or investigate rock
From diamond to chalk
Sit alone with a stone
If you’d like to look
At a curious book Â
And use your mind
To seek and to find
If you love to be
In the library
Then come sit with me
– Ruth Gilmore Ingulsrud
– Ruth Gilmore Ingulsrud